Monday, March 9, 2015

Reading Diary A Week 9: Pandu's curse.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is not what I expected to happen at the beginning of the story! Drowning babies as punishment for stealing a cow…wow. I some how got lost in the whole Shantanu falls for Satyavati king throne debacle….it was complicated so moving on.  Then all I could focus on was that Satyavati smelled like a fish. Then all these awkward love triangles happen…but in the end a flawless child named Vidura is born. Then Dhitarashtra marries Gandhari, who covers her eyes to share her husbands blindness. That is super cute!! I would like to avoid the awkward situation with Pandu but could make for a comic story later, so He has two wives…but cant have children because of a curse. Moral of the story…don’t shoot a dear while its having sex. It was a celestial being in disguise. Then his wife Kunti has a mantra for obtaining suns….and goes into another weird love triangle she had.  They end up having 5 sons called Pandavas. Pandu dies while making love with Madri…leaving Kunti to raise 5 sons. They go to live with Dhritarashtra…and the cousins are all mean to each other. Then a heir is picked…Yudhishthira. They want the Pandavas exile because they are more popular with the people. The Pandavas set fire to the house and escape through a tunnel…everyone thinks they die. Kunti and the Pandavas travel to and live in the forest where Bhima fights some rakshahasa’s. Arjuna wins Draupadi as his bride…then Kunti tells the brothers to now Draupadi had 5 husbands.

Screenshot: Pandu cursed)

This was totally a whirlwind of events… I am overwhelmed and need to reread this section!

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