Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Reading Diary B: Arjuna and Subhadra

Dhritarashtra sends the Pandavas and Kunti away. Then his sons hire Purochana to build a fire trap for the house where the Pandavas are staying. Someone warns them and they prepare a tunnel which will allow them to escape, leaving six corpses in their place. Bhima sets the house on fire. Purochana is killed and they escape through the tunnel. The are disguised as Brahmins.

The Pandavas and Kunti live in a different village. They send Bhima out to fight a demon. He uses no weapons, only his bare hands, and still defeats the demon. Drupada begs Shiva for a son to defeat Drona. Shiva appears in a dream and tells him to pour two cups of butter into the fire. One for a son, one for a daughter. Dhirshtadyumna and Draupadi are born. Arjuna wins an archery test and wins Draupadi. The pandavas are given the region of Khandava to rule. They build the city of Indraprastha near the Khandava forrest. Arjuna falls in love with Krishna’s sister and takes her to be his wife.
(Screenshot: Arjuna and Subhadra)

The fire god Agni comes to Krishna and Arjuna with his mouth smeared with butter. He wants to eat the forrest but the storm-god Indra protects it with rain. They agree to help him. Maya builds a great palace for the Pandavas. Duryodhana is  fooled by the illusion of the palace and they make fun of him. Then Duryodhana challenges Yudhishthira to a game of dice, he accepts. There might be a war on the horizon….

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