Thursday, March 5, 2015

Commenting Review Week

I feel like I am definitely making connections with other students. I have taken online classes before and we would do weekly posts and comment on other students things but the connection wasn’t there. I think the difference comes from the introduction posts! Instead of posting on one persons at the beginning we are meeting someone new each week…then may see their posts again for the commenting assignments.

Any of the comments that have been encouraging and those that catch mistakes has been truly helpful. My major definitely revolves around commenting on other students work. We are always having critiques and asking each other for opinions on a design. Learning to handle the fact that this thing you worked on for hours just isn’t working for other people is crucial. All because Design is Communication.

(Saw this on Buzzfeed)
I thought this image was fitting for the weather we have had the last few days!! 


  1. Hey there!
    I agree that the comments that help to correct errors are helpful, as well as those that simply encourage students! It is always nice to hear that other students actually enjoy reading a story you have worked hard to create. Haha, great choice on your picture! I agree completely. I have felt so trapped these past few days!

  2. Hey Shelly!
    I wrote the same about how comments were a great way of communication but I didn't really think about how the fact that we have a new person's introduction to read every week helps us communicate even better so I'm glad you pointed that out.

    Also, really liking your picture! Especially because it's from Arthur and I used to watch that show ALL the time as a kid and do so even now since my little sister watches it and I just sit and watch with her. But the weather looks like it's getting a lot better and I hope it stays this way!

  3. Shelly, I agree this class made it easier to connect with students unlike my other online classes I took in the previous semesters. I think the commenting and feedback not only helped with getting to know each other but also fixing our mistakes. Thats one of the best things about this class is being able to get feedback from people and learn from our mistakes. Commenting new posts every week does help with understanding each person's style of writing which is pretty cool and we get to help each other out.
